02 Dec

What is Pool Sport?

The Pool is a popular game that is played all over the world by millions of people. However, there are many different varieties of the game, all with distinctly different rules and regulations. The word “pool” means a collective bet or playing for money and during the 19thcentury American poolrooms were betting parlours for horse racing. By far, the most popular forms of the game are the ones that originated in the USA, known as ‘eight-ball’ and ‘nine-ball’ pool. The most famous pool game, eight-ball, was invented shortly after 1900. A decline in popularity of the sport occurred post WW2, but pool was revived after the 1961 film “The Hustler” featuring Paul Newman as a pool hustler was released. New poolrooms opened across America coinciding with the creation of coin-operated tables helping to give the game a large boost. 

Is pool a sport or a game?  

Yes, pool is a sport, including all the variations of pool such as eight-ball, nine-ball, ten-ball, or snooker. Cue Sports are recognized internationally and even have their own governing bodies. Although there are many sports in the Olympics, at this time, pool is not currently one of the sports that is considered an Olympic sport. Even though the professional pool players are considered athletes, pool has not been added to the Olympics. Both are played on a normal sized pool table with the regulation six pockets and both have multiple championships around the world. Pocket billiard tables were installed in them so patrons could pass the time between races but soon enough the word pool had become attached to the American form of pocket billiards. The first pocket billiards championship was played in 1878 with the dominant form of the game being American Four-Ball Billiards. Professional players became so well known that cigarette cards were issued featuring them.

However, it is eight-ball that is the more common game the one you’ll most likely see being played at your local pool hall and the one that most people first think of when the word pool is mentioned. Pool as a cue sport has been around for a very long time. It exists in different types that come with different rules. For instance, there is 9 ball pool and 8 ball pool. There also exist types such as the snooker pool and the straight pool. The basic rules of any pool game are, you are not allowed to take a shot when it’s not your turn, you can only hit the cue ball once, you are not allowed to hit the cue ball off the table and you can only strike the pool ball instead of pushing it among many others. The success in Pool is mainly based on one’s talent and not on gender. The technique involved in billiards also takes accurate muscular control and excellent hand-eye coordination. You may not need to chase a soccer ball up and down a field, but playing can cause legitimate strain. If you start playing pool more often, you may begin to find muscles you did not know you had.  Billiard representatives have always been trying to get pool into the Olympics since 1950.

However, up to this date, after being denied the chance to participate in the 2020 Olympics to be held in Tokyo, billiard enthusiasts are still persistent in trying to claim their spot in the next 2024 Olympics to be held in Paris. They have even gone as far as traveling to Paris to express their concerns to the International Olympic Committee. Consider professional players, who often have to calculate these minutiae under the pressure of a shot clock. Now add in the knowledge that even a minuscule mistake could cause you to lose the game, and sometimes hundreds of thousands in prize money. Not only is it a great game to play in your house but there are also tournaments that you can go and compete in to show that you are the best. If you 스포츠토토 have competed in local and even national tournaments you may be wondering if there is something bigger you can attend.

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